Archived News


Merry Mistletoe and Madness Xmas Party - Saturday 14th December

The date for the  Rocky Rays end of year Christmas function has been set and tickets are now available.

Date:  14 December

Time:  6pm to 11pm

More details here.

The Rocky Rays Social Committee invites all members and their partners to our Christmas wind up spectacular!  

The Clubs Christmas functions are always a great event and this year will be no exception.




You can get your tickets here or see Richard at training where we accept cash or credit card payment (preferably)

Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser - Saturday 26th October 2024

We are holding a sausage sizzle fundraising event at the Rockingham Bunnings store on Saturday 26 October from 7.00am to 4.00pm. So come down and purchase a snag or two and help support the club. Money raised will help us to subsidise our great end of year Christmas function that the Social Committee has organised for all members in December.

Social Night - Ten Pin Bowling - Friday 5th July 2024

Join us for a fun-filled evening of bowling at Zone Bowling, Patterson Rd Rockingham.

The Social Committee have organised a tenpin bowling night for Friday 05 July so get ready to strike up some fun with your fellow swimmers and their plus ones. Whether you’re a pro bowler or a novice, this event promises to be a fantastic time for all.

The Club is subsiding the cost for members and a plus one so you only need to pay $18.00 per person if bowling. This cost includes shoe hire however food and drinks can be purchased separately at the venue.

Please pay for your tickets in advance by clicking here or going to the Upcoming Events page

For more information, contact:
Greg Frey – Social Coordinator 
Phone: 0408 924 082

Winter Solstice Swim - Sunday 23rd June 2024

Each year MSWA hold a competition for the Winter Solstice where over the weekend Fri 21 June – Mon 24 June each MSWA swimmer can log swims which gain points for their club.

This year to celebrate the Paris Olympics MSWA has also launched a swim challenge to do in teams.  Please see all the information on the MSWA website.

To celebrate the shortest day of the year, we have nominated Sunday 23rd June as the day for our own swim session and will most likely be at Waikiki foreshore (weather dependent so keep keep an eye on socials) , followed by breakfast of bacon and egg roll etc.

So come down and participate in an open water beach swim at 9.00am on Sunday morning, 23rd June.

The previous swims last year have been a great success with everybody having a great time as well as socialising and getting to know one another over a free BBQ breakfast.

Please register your interest here to help with catering.

Remember that this is an event for all levels, no matter what your open water swimming ability is like.

Rocky Rays Shine In Darwin
Congratulations to our four Rocky Rays who have just returned from an extremely successful Masters National Championships in Darwin.
With only 4 swimmers they managed to place an impressive 14th out of 75 Clubs!!!!
Their amazing results were as follows: 
Plans are already in place to send a much bigger team of Rocky Rays to Melbourne in early April for the 2025 MSA Nationals Championships, please let Shannon know if you are keen to be added to the chat group. The Club and Council provide a small amount of funding but it is otherwise self funded and self organised
Shannon Bowron
200M Freestyle Relay🥉
Open Water 1.6km 🥇
Bridget Young
800M Freestyle 🥉
100M Backsteoke 🥉
50M Butterfly 🥈
400M IM 🥇
100M Freestyle 🥉
400M Freestyle 🥉
200M Freestyle Relay🥉
200M Butterfly 🥇
50M Backstroke 🥉
100M Butterfly 🥇
200M IM 🥈
Open Water 3.2km 🥇
Dana Richards
200M Freestyle Relay🥉
Open Water 3.2km 🥉
Karen Williams
200M Freestyle Relay🥉
50M Breaststroke 🥉
Open Water 1.6km 🥈
ANZAC DAY Training

Aqua Jetty are only open 12-6pm this Thursday for Anzac Day so there will be no training.

New Committee Members for 2024
Friday 22nd March we held our annual AGM and voted in a new Committee. Thank you for those who attended and also volunteered for positions.
Nearly all the Committee was re-elected however we want to acknowledge 2 outgoing Committee members:
Ian Williams (New Member Coordinator) and Bridget Young (Head Coach).  Thank you both for your service and contribution to the Club.
Also a big welcome to Shannon Dunbar who is taking on the role as New Members Coordinator and Miranda de Goede in the role as a General Committee member.
You can meet all the Committee members for 2024 here.
Coogee Jetty to Jetty Champion Team

We had a great turn out for the Coogee Jetty to Jetty Open Water Swim on 10th March 2024, once again a wonderful event put on by Cockburn Masters.

And the biggest suprise of all was our club winning the CHAMPION TEAM award for the best Masters Swimming Club WA. What a way to finish the summer season. Check out the trophy in the glass cabinet next time you walk through the gates at Aqua Jetty.

Special mention must also go to Ingrid, Bridget and Lyle who came first in their age groups as well as the first timers to this great event.

Social Function - Sunday 7th April 2024
We have a great next social function on Sunday 7th April from 9.00 am to 12 pm where we would like to encourage members to bring their children for a fun on beach and on grass interactive games morning where adults can join their children and other members and families in fun games and a bite to eat afterwards.
Hamburgers, ice cream and drinks and lollies will be provided for all by the Club. There will be no cost involved should you wish to attend. Bring bathers should you wish to partake in a couple of the wet games.  Beach location will be decided upon closer to the event.
For catering and games requirements it is essential to RSVP here or on our Facebook page.
AGM - Friday 22nd March 2024
We have our AGM this Friday 22nd at the Dome in Waikiki starting at 6:30pm sharp.
We would love you to join us for a free hot drink and a cake or muffin. Don’t worry, you won’t be roped into anything you don’t want to do, but if you feel like joining our Committee you are most welcome to.
We would love to see you there
Training Resumes Tuesday 9th January - 2024 Membership Fees Now Due

Training sessions will resume on Tuesday 9th January 2023. Please make sure you are a financial member as membership fees were due 01 January 2024. Please log into Swim Central where you can pay your membership fee on line.


Thank You Coach Bridget

Unfortunately due to other commitments, Head coach Bridget has decided to move on and will not be coaching us next year. Bridget has been a great asset to the Club and will be greatly missed, especially on the Wednesday technique sessions.

She will still be a member of the Club and from time to time we will see her around the pool and at open water events. So Bridget thank you for your coaching time and if you see her, give her a nudge and tell her how much we want her back, 106 of us should send a pretty strong message.

Christmas Function - Set Sail On A Caribbean Cruise

Saturday Evening 02 December

Ahoy, matey! Get ready to set sail on a thrilling Caribbean adventure like no other. The Rocky Rays invites you to our Christmas function with a twist – set aboard a luxurious Caribbean cruise.

Put on your best pirate attire, cruise wear, or elegant island outfits. Prizes for the best-dressed mail and female as well as a lucky door prize!

Ticket Price: $20.00 each for members and their partner. Reserve your spot now for a night of mystery, merriment, and memories. Price includes food, but BYO alcohol.

To purchase tickets, click here go to our Upcoming Events page or alternatively pay by EFPOS at training.

Don’t miss the boat! Get your boarding pass now for this unforgettable Caribbean cruise experience.

Come aboard and celebrate the holiday season with your fellow club members. It’s going to be a night filled with suspense, laughter, and great company.

Banks Phillip Cup - Who Will it Be Rockingham or Mandurah?

Saturday 21 October 10.00am – 2.30pm approx

Can the mighty Rocky Rays take home the BP Cup again? Or is it Mandurah’s turn?

Please join us on Saturday October 21st at Aqua Jetty from 10am to 2pm for an informal competition that includes a mix of fun and serious races.

Raffles, fun and food to be had!

The BP Cup is a friendly competition between Rockingham and Mandurah Masters in memory of two wonderful swimmers Ken and Steve.

We would love for you to join us so could you please RSVP here your intention or otherwise.

Social Function - An Afternoon of Petanque or Bocce

Sunday 15 October 2.00pm – 5.00pm

We have organised an easy social get together before our end of year spectacular Christmas party presentation night.

Please join us for a Sunday afternoon of playing Petanque. The event is a family day fun day with partners and kids welcome.

The cost is $13.00 per person playing which gets you Boules hire, instructions and nibbles. However it is strictly NO BYO as soft and alcoholic drinks will be available for purchase at the bar on site and at club prices.

For further details and to purchase tickets please click here or please head to our events page.

Coaches Update

Our Head Coach, Bridget will be now focusing on taking the Wednesday evening technique training sessions. Her Thursday night sessions will now temporarily be taken by Erica Thomas, until Heather Preston is up and running as one of our new coaches. Erica will not be advising on stroke correction, nor coaching as such, but will implement the programmes and run/organise the training session.

We have also welcomed back Cherie Savin, our previous Head Coach, who has rejoined us and taken over Jeannette’s training nights.

New President and Committee Elected
Last Friday we held our annual AGM and voted in a new Committee. Thank you for those who attended and also volunteered for positions. Please see your email for a full list of the new Club Committee.
Thank you to Jay Prchal who came along and gave us all a very motivating talk on his swimming career so far. It was great to hear about how he made a comeback to swimming after a long absence and also about his switch to open water swims. He gave us a wonderful insight on how things don’t always go to plan but to always learn from every experience, both good and bad. We loved having you visit Jay, thank you!
The star of the show was definitely the amazing Lucy Byers, our own Rocky Ray who is a professional opera singer. She absolutely knocked out socks off and I know for sure there were tears from some. Lucy you have a beautiful talent and we loved hearing you sing. Even Bridget was impressed with your breath holding skills! Thank you so much for sharing that with us, you are just brilliant.
We want to acknowledge 3 outgoing committee members:
Mark Jenkins thank you for 5 dedicated years of service to the club, we hope to continue your hard work! Whisper has it that Mark plans to Coach in the future so be prepared for that!
Anne Evans has been a whiz on our social media, thank you for helping promote and grow our club with help of your digital talents, they will be sadly missed. Anne will still be a part of our extended swim family I’m sure.
Michael Cook has stepped down from an official position but will still be on our social activities sub-committee to plan some special gatherings to keep our swimmers happy and connected. And of course he’ll still be on pool deck bossing you all around.
This competition at Fremantle Leisure Centre is always a great day out! Please mark it on your calendar and save the date. Car pooling makes it even easier!
Let’s get a big team together and show them what the Rocky Rays can do. Hope to see you there.
Please enter the competition here as well as to find out more details. As well as having a great time, there is a great lunch spread provided by Fremantle Masters after the event, and going by the previous years you will not be disappointed.
AGM - This Friday 24th March 2023 6.15pm

Including Motivational Speaker and Opera Singer Extraordinaire

We are holding our AGM this Friday 24th March at the McLarty Hall starting at 6.15pm as well as be entertained by a motivational speaker and an opera singer extraordinaire.

There are nominations for all positions, but you can still nominate yourself or someone else on the night after which the nominees will be put to the vote. You can only nominate or vote if you are a current financial member.

Don’t worry, if you come along you will not be pressured to take up a position, but we really do encourage all of our members to come along and meet the incoming committee and pass on any ideas and suggestions. New members can be very helpful to us in this regard. Not only that, the committee really does enjoy meeting members and getting to know them.

Come along to make up the quorum, vote for your committee and get to know them. Bring a few drinks and snacks to share afterwards. Please stay and have a chat.

* VOLUNTEERS WANTED Bunnings Sausage Sizzle - This Saturday 04 March *
We would love some helpers for our Bunnings Sausage Sizzle fundraising event on Saturday 4th March. Pick your favourite shift and join the team for just a few hours…your time is appreciated and is a significant support for the club.
✴️7:00am -10:00am
✴️11:00am – 2:00pm
✴️2:00pm – 4:30pm
To sign up, comment below or email Thanks, and we’ll see you there!
It's On Again - Beach Swim and Brekky - Sunday 22 January 23

Come down to Waikiki foreshore and participate in another open water beach swim at 8.30am on Sunday morning, 22nd January.

The previous swims last year have been a great success with everybody having a great time as well as socialising and getting to know one another over a free BBQ breakfast.

So register your interest here to help with catering and come on down to the beach for a swim and a feed. Remember that this is an event for all levels, no matter what your open water swimming ability is like.


Christmas Training Break

Our coaches will be taking a well earned break over the Christmas period. Training sessions will finish up on Thursday 15th December 2022 and will return on Tuesday 10th January 2023.

From all of us here at our Club we wish all our members a safe and Merry Christmas as well as a great New Year and hopefully will see everybody back at training in January.

The Rocky Rays Roaring 20's

We are excited to announce that we will be holding an end of year Christmas function on Saturday evening, 17th December from 6pm to 11 pm.

This will be a great evening and themed as the 1920’s Great Gatsby. There will be dancing, a roulette and blackjack table so you can dance and gamble the night away. And what’s even better is that you don’t even have to provide your own gambling money. Professional croupiers will supplying chips and manning the tables with a prize given for the best gambler.

The venue is the Safety Bay Yacht Club, with the ticket cost being $20.00 per member and partners and $30.00 for non members. Finger food will be provided during the evening, however alcohol and soft drink is BYO. There will also be some raffles and presentation of trophy’s by our President Mark.

So save the date, find your 1920’s outfit and register your interest here for catering and other organisational purposes.

Lawn Bowls - Friday 11 November 6.30pm - 9.30pm

The Social Committee are pleased to announce that they have organised another great social evening so our wonderful members can get together for a fun night of bowling and socialising.

Please join us on Friday evening the 11th November at 6:30 pm at the Safety Bay Bowling Club, Penguin Road, Shoalwater.

No need to worry whether you know how to play, send the bowl in the wrong direction or even know what the jack or “kitty” is (or what is used for) as you will have a lot of fun working out the bias and getting too much grass and good weight.

Please  register your interest here to assist us with catering.


Let's Swim Together - Saturday 05 November 10.30am - 12.30pm

In conjunction with Masters Swimming WA we are participating in a state-wide “Come and Try” day.

Please join us on Saturday 5th November at 10.30am to 12.30pm at the 50m outdoor pool at Aqua Jetty.

This is a great way to get a taste of what our club offers by having “fitness, friendship and fun” by meeting the swimming coaches and participating in some swimming sessions that are indicative of our training nights.

It is a free event, including entry into Aqua Jetty and to top it off we will be providing refreshments and a bite to eat after the swimming sessions so that you can have a chat to existing members, find out more and get any of your questions answered.


Banks Phillips Cup - Sunday 30 October 1.00pm - 3.00pm

The Banks Phillips Cup is a hotly contested competition between the Rocky Rays and the Mandurah Manna’s Swim Clubs. This competition began 3 years ago to honour a swimmer from each of our clubs who sadly passed away in the same year. It is a very fun based competition of mostly games and relays with a bunch of prizes and a magnificent trophy up for grabs for the Team who scores the most points. Please save Sunday 30th October from 1pm if you care to join us for this afternoon of fun and friendly rivalry. Afternoon Tea will be served in MARC clubrooms afterwards and we may even take home the trophy again?


Memorial Swim and BBQ - Thurs 22nd September 9.00am

This coming Thursday 22nd September, to honour our late Queen the Warnbro Sound Warriors are having an ocean swim at 9am followed by a sausage sizzle at Palm Beach (near the Bell St roundabout). Sausage sizzle is provided (but feel free to bring bacon and eggs), please bring a plate to share and wear your best tiara. If you don’t want to swim then you can walk the beach, kayak, SUP, or turn up around 10 for the food. 

Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

We are holding a sausage sizzle fundraising event at the Rockingham Bunnings store on Saturday 3rd September from 7.00am to 4.00pm. So come down and purchase a snag or two and help support the club. Money raised will help us to subsidise our great end of year Christmas function that the Social Committee has organised for all members in December.

Additional Training Night

Can’t make a Tuesday or Thursday night for training? Or would like to train some more?

Starting on Wednesday 6th April we will now also have Wednesday as a training night in addition to Tuesdays and Thursdays. This training night will be taken by our head coach Bridget and will be held in the indoor 25 metre pool.

The focus on these Wednesday night sessions will be breaking down the various strokes (freestyle, butterfly, backstroke and breaststroke) as well as stroke correction techniques.

So come along and give it a go in the shorter and shallower pool.

Thank You Coach Cherie

Unfortunately, training night last Tuesday (26 July) was one of our favourite coaches last coaching session with us and our club. After numerous years of coaching us, Cherie has had to relinquish her position as a coach due to other commitments.

We wish her well and thank her greatly for the time and dedication that she has given us and our club. As she will still be a member of the club and a keen swimmer, I’m sure we will still see her down at the pool or in the ocean.

Cherie’s position as coach will be taken by Michael Cook and we look forward to officially welcoming Michael to the coaching team. 

Car Rally - Sunday 24 July 2022

Come along to our next social event.

This will be an old fashioned car rally starting at a local place in Shoalwater around 8.30-9.00am and finishing at lunchtime at a secret location with toilets and undercover area.

Every car will get coded instructions as to where to go and it will be timed to the speed limit so as not to be a race as such.  It will have many stops with questions to answer and things to collect along the way.

It will be a family friendly event with BYO drinks and lunch (bbq facilities), arriving between 12.00pm-1.00pm at the final stop. There will be lots of prizes and fun for the correct answers, games and activities for kids and adults and an emergency “if lost envelope” (sealed of course) that can be used if you get geographically embarrassed.

So please keep the date free and register your interest/attendance here for organisational purposes. 

Winter Solstice Swim - Sunday 19 June 2022

Join us while we partake in the Act Belong Commit Winter Solstice Swim.

This is a Masters Swimming WA event which will take place 17 June – 20 June 2022 and is an open water swim that can be completed any time during the competition period. As a club we have nominated Sunday 19th June as the day for our own swim session and will be at Palm Beach (Bell Street Roundabout), followed by breakfast of bacon and egg roll etc.

This is a competition between Masters WA clubs, with the winning club taking home the perpetual Winter Solstice Swim Trophy! Mandurah Masters are the club to beat, having won two years in a row.

To find out more and register your interest/attendance please click here.

Order Your Club Jackets Before End of May

Now that the weather is getting a bit cooler, do you wish to order a club jacket to wear to and from training?

If so, please go the Hot Klobba store in Port Kennedy by the end of May and ask for Chris or Victor. They will assist you in choosing the correct size jacket and allow you to place an order.

The approximate cost of the jacket is $60 which is to be paid by you on delivery at a later date.

At the end of May, we will pay for all the orders on your behalf and arrange embroidery with our club logo before delivery and payment at training.

Also for our “big headed “ people in our club we have asked for a polar fleece navy beanie which may suit you better. Please try one on and if that style fits and you are keen for a warm noggin after winter swims, then place your order as above before the end of May. 

If we can get 15 or so jackets we get a good discount.

Should you have any questions or require further information then please SMS our Uniform Officer Lyle on 0439 965 007.

Club Social Night - 7.00pm Saturday 28 May 2022

We are pleased to announce that we will be holding a Social Get-Together function for members and their partners on the evening of Saturday, 28th May 2022 from 7.00pm to 10.30pm

This will be a fun night of Latin dancing instruction, entertaining games, music quiz, social interaction and surprises held at McLarty Hall in Shoalwater.

So, if needed get babysitters organised and to find out more and register to attend go to the Upcoming Events page here.

Head Coach

Cherie Savin has informed us that she was going to stand down from the position of Head Coach. We accepted this with sadness with the proviso that she remains on as a coach with her fun colourful socks and big smile on the pool deck. Thankfully she agreed.

So a big thankyou to Cherie for what she has done in this position. She has been a great influence in the growth of the club and for that we will be forever grateful.

As her replacement, coach Bridget Young has accepted the head position and is keen to take on the role.

Please welcome Bridget to her new role, and we all look forward to working with her.

Training Clinic With Kareena Preston - Training Night 29th March 2022

Following on from the successful pacing clinic at training night on Tuesday 8th February, we are pleased to again be joined by Masters WA Coach Kareena Preston who will run a speed clinic for the training hour. So come along on Tuesday 29th March and benefit from Kareena’s knowledge and coaching skills. 

Coach Jeanette will still be running her normal training session for those that don’t want to participate, but Kareena’s last session was well attended with members enjoying her coaching and presentation skills as well as performing the variety of drills.

2022 Rockingham Masters Swimming Club Annual General Meeting - Friday 25 March 2022

The Rockingham Masters Swimming Club AGM will be held on Friday March 25th at 6:00pm at the Dome Cafe, Waikiki. All members are encouraged and welcome to attend. The AGM is your chance to take part in the development of your club and have a chat with fellow members over some food and beverages!

You can BYO at the Dome or enjoy their amazing coffee and drinks.

RSVPs are essential as we’re limited to 30 people so please register your interest here or on our Facebook page

Training Clinic With Kareena Preston - Training Night 8th Feb 22

At training night on Tuesday 8th February, we are pleased to be joined by Masters WA Coach Kareena Preston who will run a clinic for the training hour. So come along and benefit from Kareena’s knowledge and coaching skills.

Prize Draw for Registration Fee Renewals

Club renewal fees for next year are due in December. All members who renew their Master’s Membership between 1st December and 31st January will be eligible to be included in a prize draw which will take place on the 1st February. This includes those members who have taken out the 16-month option.

There are two prizes on offer:

  1. a refund of your membership fee for the year; and
  2. a kit bag with equipment.

All membership renewals and re-registrations are done online through Masters Swimming WA..

It's On Again - Beach Swim and Breaky - Sunday 30 Jan

Come down to Waikiki foreshore and participate in another open water beach swim at 8.00am on Sunday morning, 30th January.

The previous two swims last year have been a great success with everybody having a great time as well as socialising and getting to know one another over a free BBQ breakfast. 

So register your interest here to help with catering and come on down to the beach for a swim and a feed. Remember that this is an event for all levels, no matter what your open water swimming ability is like.


Festive Fun Training Night – 23rd December 2021

The last training session for the year will be on Tuesday 23rd December.


This training session will be a festive fun training night where the gruesome warmup and main set will be replaced by some fun activities and games.


Be sure not to miss this light-hearted session, as you are guaranteed to have a fun time and some laughs in place of our normal training session.


Training will then resume in the new year on Tuesday 4th January 2022

Are You Coming to the Christmas Beach Ball?

The Rocky Ray’s Christmas Beach Ball is at the Cruising Yacht Club in Rockingham on Sunday 19th December. Please register your interest below so we can get an idea of numbers for catering.

Open Water Skills Clinic - Palm Beach – 6.00am Wednesday Morning 15th December 2121

Masters WA Coach Kareena Preston will be running an open water skills clinic at Palm Beach on Wednesday morning 15 December for 1 hour, starting at 6.00am in the morning (leaving you enough time to get to work, after a refreshing a swim).

Kareena will take you through

  1. Identifying beach and water conditions;
  2. Wading and dolphining;
  3. Stroke adjustments;
  4. Sighting; and
  5. Turning

Plus, there’s the opportunity to have a coffee and a chat after the session so you can ask Coach Kareena all your swimming-related questions!

And best of all – it FREE


Please register you interest here.


“We both attended this clinic last Wednesday at South Beach Fremantle. It was very informative and we learnt a few things that hopefully will help us when participating in the open water swimming events. Kareena is an excellent coach who presents this clinic exceptionally well. We both recommend that all the club members who participate (or want to participate) in the open water events come along and you will pick up something new”.

Greg and Richard

Heather Preston


Coming Soon

Debbie Hart

Coach Coordinator

Debbie’s background includes founder and owner of Debbie Hart’s Swimming School for 35 years teaching children from 3 years to competitive swimmers, representing Great Britain from 1975-1978 at County, National and International swimming events around the world, Silver medalist in 50m butterfly and Bronze medalist in 100m butterfly at FINA World Masters in Italy as well as a WA state record holder for 50m butterfly.

She has many sporting awards including ASA Swimming Coaches Award, RLSS Lifesaving Award, Aquafit Award and AUSTSWIM Teaching Swimming and Water Safety Qualifications.

As Coach Coordinator she is the first contact for the coaches and to assist and mentor them as well as guide and plan for the club to provide our members with a structure of training, fun, fitness for pool and open water swimming including competitions.

PK Sullivan

Program Leader

PK is just starting out on her coaching career and has completed the Masters Swimming Professional Development Course allowing her to become a Program Leader.

As a Program Leader PK is able to help guide you through the training session as set by one of the accredited coaches.

She is a newly qualified Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety and is currently undertaking a Cert 111 in Outdoor Leadership.

Besides being very passionate about nature, fitness and fun, PK teaches children to swim and loves helping people find the joy in being outdoors and staying active.

Coach Bridget

Bridget Young

Head Coach

Bridget has been coaching swimmers for many years from juniors through to adults. She has gained so much joy and achievement from swimming that she now enjoys passing her knowledge and experience gained over the years to helping other swimmers accomplish their dreams.

Bridget has achieved a lot during her swimming career including completing the English Channel crossing solo swim in 1985 as well as an additional three crossings in relay teams.

She has been inducted into the International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame in Fort Lauderdale, USA, competed in the 1991 World Championships in Perth achieving 11th place and travelled the world as a member of the Great Britain long distance swimming team which was ranked number one in the world at the time.  

She is still competing in outdoor and indoor events and for the last 4 years has come first in her age group in the Swimming WA OWS Series events.

Bridget’s Wikipedia Page